This page is for my students and their parents. I will use this online page to keep everyone updated on any upcoming activities or projects in my class.
Please direct all your emails to
Abbott, Ellen. Watersmeet
Avi. Murder at Midnight
Berry, Julie. The Amaranth Enchantment
Breen, M.E. Darkwood
Burg, Ann E. All The Broken Pieces
Cochrane, Mick. The Girl Who Threw Butterflies
Gratz, Alan. The Brooklyn Nine
Hahn, Mary Downing. Closed for the Season
Hoose, Phillip. Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice
Ketchum, Liza. Newsgirl
Potter, Ellen. Slob
Preller, James. Bystander
Sheinmel, Courtney. Positively
Swanson, James. Chasing Lincoln's Killer
Whinnem, Reade Scott. The Pricker Boy
Abrahams, Peter. Reality Check
Brown, Jennifer. Hate List
Crawford, Brent. Carter Finally Gets It
Efaw, Amy. After
Forman, Gayle. If I Stay
Garsee, Jeannine. Say the Word
Halpern, Julie. Into the Wild Nerd Yonder
Harmon, Michael. Brutal
Hurwin, Davida. Freaks and Revelations
Korman, Gordon. Pop
Kwasney, Michelle. Blue Plate Special
Madigan, L.K. Flash Burnout
Ryan, Carrie. The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Sandell, Lisa Ann. A Map of the Known World
Weingarten, Lynn. Wherever Nina Lies
Barton, Chris. The Day-Glo Brothers: The True Story of Bob and Joe Switzer’s Bright Ideas and Brand New Colors
Beard, Darlene Bailey. Annie Glover is Not a Tree Lover
Bragg, Georgia. Matisse on the Loose
Clements, Andrew. Extra Credit
Gaiman, Neil. Odd and the Frost Giants
George, Jean Craighead. The Cats of Roxville Station
Giff, Patricia Reilly. Wild Girl
Graff, Lisa. Umbrella Summer
Holmes, Sara Lewis. Operation Yes
Kelly, Katy. Melonhead
Nelson, Vaunda M. Bad News for Outlaws: The Remarkable Life of Bass Reeves, Deputy U.S. Marshal
Philbrick, Rodman. The Mostly True Adventures of Homer P. Figg
Pitchford, Dean. Captain Nobody
Polacco, Patricia. January’s Sparrow
Ruddell, Deborah. A Whiff of Pine, a Hint of Skunk: A Forest of Poems
Vernon, Ursula. Dragonbreath