Sunday, July 24, 2011

2012 High School Sequoyah Masterlist

Students in grades 9 through 12 must read or listen to 3 or more titles to vote.

Abrahams, Peter.  Reality Check
Brown, Jennifer.  Hate List
Crawford, Brent.  Carter Finally Gets It
Efaw, Amy.  After
Forman, Gayle.  If I Stay
Garsee, Jeannine.  Say the Word
Halpern, Julie.  Into the Wild Nerd Yonder
Harmon, Michael.  Brutal
Hurwin, Davida.  Freaks and Revelations
Korman, Gordon.  Pop
Kwasney, Michelle.  Blue Plate Special
Madigan, L.K.  Flash Burnout
Ryan, Carrie.  The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Sandell, Lisa Ann.  A Map of the Known World
Weingarten, Lynn.  Wherever Nina Lies